Friday, January 7, 2022

Pathways to Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander: Non-fiction


The author, Rosamund S. Zander, in Pathways to Possibility indicates that our childhood stories have a lasting impact on us even as we mature and become adults.  Some of these impacts have detrimental effects in adulthood. Hence Zander promotes that it is important for the individual to evaluate these stories and determine how they can be transformed to enable the individual to move productively in adulthood.

Zander describes some of these childhood stories that can be modified so that the individual would create ways to confront or transform these old stories into new possibilities. By doing this the individual can be rid of childhood hangups and drawbacks that hinder beneficial growth in adulthood.  

It appears Zander prescribes, for some, an intensive therapeutic time as the individual pays close attention to those stories that are holding the person back and not enabling the person to move forward for a fulfilling lifestyle. 

Pathways to Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander is an interesting read. 

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