Friday, August 30, 2024

Sherlock Holmes and The Mystery of the Human Heart: Play at Shaw Festival


Festival Theatre, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. 

Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Play Title: Sherlock Holmes and The Mystery of the Human Heart

Director's Note:

Dark business, unhappy coincidences, suspicious circumstances - these are the things that seem to intrigue Sherlock Holmes and occupy his great mind. In truth, however, there is only one mystery that consistently compels Sherlock into action, and that is the mystery of the human condition. Perhaps this is because not even the master of deduction can step outside of his existence and analyze it, as his direct involvement is an essential precondition.

Holmes has a set of techniques he uses to reduce mysteries into a series of solvable problems. When attempting to utilize these methods to demystify, quantify and categorize a mystery as complex as human nature, however, he is inevitably left with much that is inexplicable.


Perhaps one day an author or playwright will write a Sherlock adventure that sees Holmes recognize and accept that mystery is a vital part of human existence. Until then we will continue to enjoy seeing our hero vanquishing the bad guys, even as he battles. 

Personal Commentary:  It was a play that brought many insightful thoughts about human behaviour and the varied interactions with each other. It was a very good learning experience that was beautifully portrayed by the cast of the play.

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